Tag Archives: virtual support

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Often times entrepreneurs hesitate in hiring someone or a team to help them in their business. They feel that once their business grows enough or make a certain amount of money, then the time would be ‘right’. That may be true BUT first know the facts about your business and be honest with yourself on how much you can actually do and still have a successful business.

Behind the Scenes of Your Own Business

If you are just starting out, maybe the idea of hiring someone is a little overwhelming or you’re just not sure if you’re ready. Well, when is ‘enough’ enough to know that your business has grown? What exactly is the ‘right amount of money’ to make in order to hire someone or a dream team?

We have clients come to us to fix something technical that was implemented and caused a disaster during implementation. Lots of wasted time and money due to their sites being down because of complications; a loss of clients=money. Now money is spent on fixing the problem which usually costs a lot more than hiring the right person to do the job in the beginning. Has this or something similar happened to you in your business? Let’s face it, when starting out, we do what we can with as much resources has we have to get by. We do it in our everyday lives, so surely we will do it in our businesses at some point; especially just starting out.

We know as entrepreneurs, you don’t have time or money to waste. Your time and money is well spent on progressing and growing your business to the level you would like to achieve it. Even if you’re just starting out, think like a CEO and manage your time productively. You can spend a lot of useful time putting an automated system together only to find out later that the full automation is not complete. You wrote a blog post, but wait, did you integrate SEO keywords or ways to interact with your reader, or what about automating it to spread through your social media platforms along with your weekly or monthly newsletter? Is the webinar setup correctly or will you spend the majority of your time figuring it out in hopes that it’s ready to go when it’s time? Wouldn’t you rather use that time on creating the content you need for your webinar? These different systems seem so easy to do, yet they take up most of your time from actually focusing on what your ideal clients need from you.

Rethink and shift the way you look at your time and your business. Share on X

Are You Ready For a Dream Team or Dream Person?

Often times entrepreneurs hesitate at hiring someone or a team to help them in their business. They feel that once their business grows enough or make a certain amount of money, then the time would be ‘right’. That may be true BUT first know the facts about your business and be honest with yourself on how much you can actually do and still have a successful business.Let’s go over a few things to determine when hiring someone or hiring your dream team is that time for you.

You might be ready to add someone or a dream team behind the scenes of your business if:

  • Your offers are not getting out there because you don’t have the time to put them out due to spending the majority of your time in areas outside of your expertise or on recurring tasks that is needed to run your business
  • You are constantly being pulled away from activities that generate revenue for your business.
  • You do not have time to connect with your paying clients. This is a great time to step back and take a look at where you are spending your time. Where do you benefit most with your time when you’re working in your business? It may be time to bring in some help.
  • You work at implementing a new program or business strategy and realize you can’t do it or you don’t understand the how-to guides well enough to get it together and it’s draining your time. It’s great to have someone to implement these things timely and efficiently so you can move forward in growing your business.
  • You are not able to focus on your CEO tasks that bring in more clients because you are too busy handling admin tasks and customer service; these are tasks that don’t move your business forward.

Does any of these things apply to you? Do you feel stuck in your business because of the recurring tasks, and you just don’t have the time to get your offers out or focus on those tasks that will bring in your ideal, paying clients? If the answer is yes, then why not look into hiring some help?!

Now What?

Don’t let the concept of hiring someone at this stage of your business scare you. There are virtual assistants you can hire for any number of tasks you may have and for a short period of time or a long period of time. This can be adjusted to your business needs. You can have virtual support a few hours a month or for a block of time each month. This is why we are here for you! Whether it’s one task or many, we are here to help you.

For as little as $500 with our Entrepreneur Plan, you could have:

  • help to setup new opt-ins and processes with email management
  • implement blog posts with graphics
  • help with billing and payment tracking with bookkeeping support
  • support with growing and nurturing your social community with posts
  • technical support backup
  • help with your inbox in email and social media platforms to help answer questions or weed through to messages that may need your attention immediately

Maybe only spending $250 or less and having a person in place on a regular basis to get to know your business, your customers, and how you run your business and help you setup a few things at a time can be a huge help and relief that you deserve in your business. Give it some thought. Having support behind the scenes of your business just may be what you need to help you give your business the boost it needs to be even more successful.

We are here to help you when you’re ready!

Often times entrepreneurs hesitate at hiring someone or a team to help them in their business. They feel that once their business grows enough or make a certain amount of money, then the time would be ‘right’. That may be true BUT first know the facts about your business and be honest with yourself on how much you can actually do and still have a successful business.