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Great Places for FREE Stock Photos - In: Company News, General, Social Media Marketing (SMM)

In : Company News, General, Social Media Marketing (SMM) Comments : 2 Author : Date :

Imagery is the secret to having captivating social media marketing, and FREE stock photos can certainly help in getting started. There are some pretty hefty price tags on some of the images you’d love to use for digitally marketing your business.

Imagery is the secret to having captivating social media marketing. Share on X

We put together a list that can help you with this. Below is a list of sites that provide free stock photos which includes images, vectors, audio clips and videos. Some of these we actually use for our clients (along with the hefty price tag ones). We have a list of free images as well as really inexpensive images that can help:


Pixabay offers free images, vectors and videos!


PicJumbo has lots of great photos you can add to any blog or social media post.


Unsplash also provide great free stock photos. Heck, if you’re a photographer or want to show off some of the photos you’ve taken, you can upload your photos to their site of community photographers that so graciously bless us with great art!


Pexels another good one that has great, unique photos! We love it for great styles and pizazz!

Our partners also come with inexpensive images that are great to use. Any of our clients that purchase our services get these items at no cost as it’s already included in the service we provide. If you are not one of our clients and would like to purchase from any of these sites, please feel free to click and purchase at very reasonable rates. There are great sources here such as:

Creative Market

Creative Market comes with a plethora of goodies including great ideas.

Adobe Stock Photos

Adobe Stock Photos (formerly Fotolia) has a few plans and pricing with tons of options to choose from.
They even give free stock images too!

We hope this list is a helpful tool in your business journey. We love sharing resources that have supported us in helping our clients’ businesses reach its full potential. Set aside time to go through each of these and find just the right image, photo, video, and/or audio you may need to help you with your digital marketing. If you find that you just don’t have the time or this task is consuming a lot of time that you can use for other areas of your business, you can always count on us to help you out. Just let us know and we’re here to help!




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(2) Comments

  1. Lou June 22, 2018 at 12:59 pm

    Thanks for sharing. Great resource.

  2. Wendy June 22, 2018 at 1:52 pm

    This is awesome! I have never used stock photos but have been wanting to so this is helpful!

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