Category Archives: Social Media Marketing (SMM)

In : Business Advice, General, Social Media Marketing (SMM) Comments : 0 Author : Date :

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, businesses are turning to virtual assistants to enhance their operations and provide efficient customer service. Virtual assistants offer a wide range of skills and expertise that can help e-commerce businesses thrive. In this article, we will explore the significant role of virtual assistants in e-commerce businesses and the various tasks they can assist with.

1. Online Store Management

Virtual assistants play a crucial role in managing online stores for e-commerce businesses. They can handle various tasks such as product listing, inventory management, order processing, and fulfillment. From ensuring accurate product descriptions and images to maintaining stock levels and coordinating with suppliers, virtual assistants help streamline the online shopping experience for customers.

2. Customer Support

Providing exceptional customer support is vital for e-commerce businesses. Virtual assistants can efficiently handle customer inquiries, address concerns, and provide timely assistance. They can respond to emails, live chat messages, and social media comments to ensure prompt and helpful responses. Virtual assistants with strong communication skills and product knowledge can create a positive customer experience and build customer loyalty.

3. Administrative Tasks

E-commerce businesses often have various administrative tasks that require attention. Virtual assistants can assist with data entry, order tracking, invoicing, and other administrative duties. They can help organize and maintain digital files, manage schedules, and coordinate meetings. By delegating these tasks to virtual assistants, e-commerce entrepreneurs can focus on core business activities and strategic growth.

4. Social Media Management

Social media presence is essential for e-commerce businesses to engage with customers and promote their products. Virtual assistants can manage social media accounts, create and schedule posts, respond to comments and messages, and analyze engagement metrics. They can help develop social media strategies, create compelling content, and build brand awareness, ultimately driving more traffic and sales for the e-commerce business.

5. Market Research and Competitor Analysis

Staying ahead in the competitive e-commerce landscape requires constant market research and competitor analysis. Virtual assistants can conduct market research, analyze industry trends, and monitor competitor strategies. They can identify emerging market opportunities, provide insights on consumer behavior, and assist in developing effective marketing and sales strategies for the e-commerce business.

Virtual assistants play a significant role in supporting and optimizing e-commerce businesses. From managing online stores and providing efficient customer support to handling administrative tasks and conducting market research, virtual assistants contribute to the success and growth of e-commerce operations. By leveraging the skills and expertise of virtual assistants, e-commerce entrepreneurs can focus on strategic initiatives while ensuring seamless operations and exceptional customer experiences.

In : Business Advice, General, Social Media Marketing (SMM) Comments : 0 Author : Date :
Social Media Management

Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience and build brand visibility. As a virtual assistant, having expertise in social media management is highly valuable. Managing social media platforms effectively requires a strategic approach and staying up-to-date with best practices. In this article, we will explore the best practices for social media management as a virtual assistant. From developing a content strategy to fostering engagement and leveraging analytics, these tips will help you excel in managing social media platforms for your clients.

1. Develop a Comprehensive Content Strategy

A well-defined content strategy is the backbone of successful social media management. Understand your client’s goals, target audience, and brand identity. Create a content calendar outlining the types of content, posting frequency, and themes aligned with the client’s objectives. Plan a mix of engaging and informative posts, including text, images, videos, and relevant hashtags. A consistent content strategy ensures that social media efforts align with the client’s brand and resonate with their audience.

2. Foster Engagement and Community Building

Social media is not just about posting content; it’s also about building relationships and fostering engagement. Encourage conversations by responding promptly to comments, messages, and mentions. Engage with the audience by asking questions, running polls, or hosting contests. Actively participate in relevant communities or groups related to the client’s industry. Building a sense of community and engaging with followers strengthens the client’s brand presence and fosters a loyal following.

3. Leverage Analytics for Data-Driven Insights

Analytics plays a crucial role in social media management. Utilize the analytics tools provided by social media platforms to track key metrics such as reach, engagement, and follower growth. Analyze the performance of different types of content, posting times, and hashtags to identify trends and optimize future strategies. Use data-driven insights to refine your approach, improve content quality, and maximize the client’s social media impact.

4. Schedule Posts for Consistency

Consistency is key in social media management. Use scheduling tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Sprout Social to plan and schedule posts in advance. This ensures a regular and consistent presence on social media, even when you’re occupied with other tasks. Schedule posts during peak times when the client’s audience is most active, maximizing reach and engagement. Regularly monitor scheduled posts to make any necessary adjustments or timely responses.

5. Maintain Branding and Voice

Maintaining consistent branding and voice across social media platforms is essential for building a recognizable and cohesive online presence. Understand the client’s brand guidelines, including colors, fonts, and tone of voice. Ensure that the client’s brand elements are incorporated into social media visuals, captions, and interactions. Consistent branding helps establish trust, strengthens brand recognition, and enhances the client’s overall online image.

Effective social media management is a valuable skill for virtual assistants. By developing a comprehensive content strategy, fostering engagement, leveraging analytics, scheduling posts for consistency, and maintaining branding and voice, you can excel in managing social media platforms for your clients. Implementing these best practices will help you build a strong online presence, drive audience engagement, and contribute to the client’s overall social media success. Stay updated with the latest trends and continuously refine your social media management skills to provide exceptional services as a virtual assistant.


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are you finding yourself unsure how exactly to turn those big dreams into achievable action steps? Move those tasks to our plate and let us help you achieve your #goals! Contact us today! #backtobiz #businessgoals #achievegoals #entrepreneurship #womeninbusiness #bosslady #businesswoman #bossbabesrva #communityovercompetition #businesswomen #ladyboss #mamapreneur #workfromhome #mamaceo #creativepreneur #entrepreneurlifestyle #dowhatyoulove #makeithappen #sayyestosuccess #solopreneur #livingthedream #businesslife #femaleentrepreneur #bossbabe #womeninleadership #backtobusiness

In : Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Social Media Marketing (SMM) Comments : 0 Author : Date :

The best times to post on social media is one of the first things we look into for our clients. Although we work off of an algorithm that is tailored for our clients for us to post at optimal times based on our clients’ audience, we also follow some of these steps to maximize on a great thing!

Business tool to help #systematize your #tasks: know the best times to post on social media for your business. Share on X

In looking at the infographic below, you’ll see that about half of the country’s population is in the Eastern Time Zone and Central Time Zone, that accounts for over 75% of the total U.S population. Try alternating posting times in eastern and central time zones if you are targeting a U.S. audience.

1. Best Time to Post on Instagram

Instagram is used all day everyday by half of the U.S. population and meant to be used on mobile devices.

  • Generally, the best times to post on Instagram are on Monday and Thursday, at any time other than 3-4 p.m.
  • The best time to post videos is 9 p.m.-8 a.m., on any day.
  • Some outlets have reported success on Mondays between 8-9 a.m., correlating with the first morning commute of the week for many.

2. Best Times to Post on Facebook

People log in to Facebook on both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home.

  • On average, the best time to post is 1-4 p.m., when clickthrough rates have shown to be at their highest.
  • Specifically, 12-1 p.m. is prime time on Saturday and Sunday.
  • During the week, the same goes for Wednesday at 3 p.m., as well as Thursday and Friday between 1-4 p.m.
  • The worst times are weekends before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m.

3. Best Times to Post on Twitter

Like Facebook, people use Twitter on both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home. Twitter is usually treated like RSS feeds. People usually hop on Twitter to find something to read during down times like commutes, breaks, and so on.

  • Good times to tweet average around 12–3 p.m., with an apex at 5 p.m. —  evening commute time.
  • Weekdays tend to show a stronger performance, while some might have more active audiences on the weekend.
  • If your goal is to maximize retweets and clickthroughs, go for noon, 3 p.m., or 5–6 p.m.

4. Best Times to Post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is mainly for professional purposes and used mostly during weekdays and work hours. About 25% of U.S. adults use LinkedIn; a platform that is not used as frequently as some other channels on this list. It’s used with slighly less frequency than some of the other channels on this list.

  • Post toward the middle of the week, between Tuesday-Thursday.
  • When aiming for a high clickthrough rate, post on these days during times that correspond with the morning and evening commute — roughly 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 5-6 p.m. — as well as the lunch hour, around 12 p.m.
  • Some have also seen a positive performance on Tuesdays, between 10–11 a.m.

5. Best Times to Post on Pinterest

#Pinterest is a graphical search engine. A GREAT power source for your #business. Share on X

About 25% of Pinterest users are active on this channel daily. Don’t get it twisted with Pinterest! This is a graphical search engine. A GREAT power source for your business, and the posting times  are usually off of business hours.

  • Interestingly enough, Saturday evenings are said to be the best time to reach users, especially between 8-11 p.m.
  • Some have also seen a strong performance on the later side of Friday afternoon, around 3 p.m.
  • Evening commutes tend to be some of the worst times to post to Pinterest; which makes sense if you look at Pinterest as a searchable means. You search for what you’re looking for then leave Pinterest to go to the site to read about what you searched for.
Before long people will not only say 'Google me', but also 'Pinterest me!' Share on X

6. Best Time to Post on Google+

Google+ doesn’t get as much hype as the other social media platforms. It’s Google for Pete’s sakes! Why not post on it and be effective with it?!

  • People seem to be most active on Google+ during the start of the workday, between 9-11 a.m.
  • That’s especially the case on Wednesdays, around 9 a.m.
  • Some marketers have also seen success during the lunch hour, posting between 12-1 p.m.

Ok now you know. Theses are some great tips on the best times to post on social media thanks to our good friends at CoSchedule and Hubspot!

Remember, don’t overwhelm yourself with too much. This is a tool that can help you systematize your social media tasks. Whenever you need help with anything, or need to outsource this task – just let us know! We are here to help. {{{Tra la laaaaaa}}} (in the voice of Captain Underpants)

The best times to post on social media is one of the first things we look into for our clients. Although we work off of an algorithm that is tailored for our clients for us to post at optimal times based on our clients' audience, we also follow some of these steps to maximize on a great thing! Check it out.

In : Company News, General, Social Media Marketing (SMM) Comments : 2 Author : Date :

Imagery is the secret to having captivating social media marketing, and FREE stock photos can certainly help in getting started. There are some pretty hefty price tags on some of the images you’d love to use for digitally marketing your business.

Imagery is the secret to having captivating social media marketing. Share on X

We put together a list that can help you with this. Below is a list of sites that provide free stock photos which includes images, vectors, audio clips and videos. Some of these we actually use for our clients (along with the hefty price tag ones). We have a list of free images as well as really inexpensive images that can help:


Pixabay offers free images, vectors and videos!


PicJumbo has lots of great photos you can add to any blog or social media post.


Unsplash also provide great free stock photos. Heck, if you’re a photographer or want to show off some of the photos you’ve taken, you can upload your photos to their site of community photographers that so graciously bless us with great art!


Pexels another good one that has great, unique photos! We love it for great styles and pizazz!

Our partners also come with inexpensive images that are great to use. Any of our clients that purchase our services get these items at no cost as it’s already included in the service we provide. If you are not one of our clients and would like to purchase from any of these sites, please feel free to click and purchase at very reasonable rates. There are great sources here such as:

Creative Market

Creative Market comes with a plethora of goodies including great ideas.

Adobe Stock Photos

Adobe Stock Photos (formerly Fotolia) has a few plans and pricing with tons of options to choose from.
They even give free stock images too!

We hope this list is a helpful tool in your business journey. We love sharing resources that have supported us in helping our clients’ businesses reach its full potential. Set aside time to go through each of these and find just the right image, photo, video, and/or audio you may need to help you with your digital marketing. If you find that you just don’t have the time or this task is consuming a lot of time that you can use for other areas of your business, you can always count on us to help you out. Just let us know and we’re here to help!