Category Archives: Entrepreneurs

In : Business Advice, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :
Find Your Value

As a virtual assistant, pricing your services appropriately is crucial to your success and profitability. Determining the right pricing strategy can be challenging, especially in a dynamic industry like virtual assistance. In this article, we will explore strategies for pricing your virtual assistant services in 2023. By understanding your value, researching market trends, and considering different pricing models, you can set competitive rates that align with your expertise and attract clients.

1. Determine Your Value Proposition

Start by assessing your skills, experience, and unique selling points as a virtual assistant. Consider the value you bring to clients, such as time savings, increased productivity, and specialized expertise. Understanding your value proposition helps you establish confidence in your pricing and effectively communicate the benefits clients will gain by working with you.

2. Research Market Trends and Competitors

Stay informed about current market trends and industry standards for virtual assistant services. Research the rates charged by other virtual assistants with similar skill sets and experience levels. Analyze the pricing models they use, such as hourly rates, package rates, or retainer-based pricing. This information will give you insights into the competitive landscape and help you position your services effectively.

3. Consider Value-Based Pricing

Value-based pricing is an effective approach that ties your pricing to the perceived value your services bring to clients. Instead of solely focusing on the hours worked, consider the outcomes and results you deliver. Factor in the impact your services have on clients’ businesses, such as revenue growth, cost savings, or improved efficiency. This pricing strategy allows you to charge based on the value you create rather than just the time invested.

4. Explore Hourly Rates and Packages

Hourly rates are a common pricing model in the virtual assistant industry. Calculate your desired hourly rate based on your desired income, expenses, and the estimated number of billable hours. Additionally, consider offering packages or bundled services at different price points. Packages can provide clients with a clear understanding of the services they’ll receive and offer value for money.

5. Offer Flexible Pricing Options

To attract a wider range of clients, consider offering flexible pricing options. This could include tiered pricing based on different levels of service or customized pricing based on clients’ specific needs. By providing options, you cater to clients with varying budgets and requirements, expanding your potential client base.

6. Monitor and Adjust Your Pricing

Pricing is not set in stone. Continuously monitor the market, evaluate client feedback, and reassess your pricing strategy periodically. As you gain more experience and expertise, you may need to adjust your rates accordingly. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your pricing ensures that it remains competitive and reflects the value you provide.

Pricing your virtual assistant services requires careful consideration of your value, market trends, and different pricing models. By determining your value proposition, researching competitors, considering value-based pricing, exploring hourly rates and packages, offering flexibility, and monitoring your pricing strategy, you can set rates that reflect your expertise and attract clients in 2023. Remember, pricing is an ongoing process, so stay agile and make adjustments as needed to remain competitive and profitable in the virtual assistant industry.

In : Business Advice, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :
Productive Home Office

As a virtual assistant, your home office is the central hub of your productivity and success. Setting up a productive workspace is vital for maintaining focus, efficiency, and achieving a healthy work-life balance. In this article, we will explore essential tips to help you set up a productive home office as a virtual assistant. From creating an ergonomic environment to optimizing organization and minimizing distractions, these strategies will help you maximize your productivity and thrive in your remote work setting.

1. Ergonomic Furniture and Equipment

Investing in ergonomic furniture and equipment is crucial for your physical well-being and long-term productivity. Choose a comfortable chair with proper lumbar support to maintain good posture. Ensure your desk is at a suitable height to avoid strain on your wrists and neck. Consider using an adjustable standing desk to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. Additionally, invest in a keyboard and mouse that are ergonomically designed to minimize the risk of repetitive strain injuries.

2. Optimize Organization

An organized workspace promotes productivity and reduces stress. Declutter your desk by keeping only essential items within reach. Use storage solutions such as shelves, drawers, or file cabinets to keep paperwork, supplies, and equipment organized and easily accessible. Utilize cable management solutions to prevent tangled cords and improve the overall aesthetics of your workspace. Establish a filing system for digital files and implement cloud storage solutions for seamless access to documents.

3. Harness Natural Lighting

Natural lighting has a significant impact on mood, energy levels, and productivity. Position your desk near a window to take advantage of natural light. Natural light not only provides better visibility but also helps regulate your circadian rhythm and boosts your overall well-being. If natural light is limited, consider using full-spectrum or daylight-mimicking LED bulbs to simulate natural lighting conditions.

4. Minimize Noise Distractions

Creating a quiet and focused environment is essential for maintaining concentration and productivity. Choose a dedicated workspace away from high-traffic areas or noisy household activities. Use noise-canceling headphones or play background music or ambient noise to mask distracting sounds. Communicate with family members or housemates to establish boundaries and minimize interruptions during your work hours.

5. Personalize and Inspire

Personalize your home office to create a space that inspires and motivates you. Decorate with items that reflect your personality and interests. Add motivational quotes, artwork, or plants to create a positive and uplifting atmosphere. Incorporate elements that spark creativity and inspiration, such as a vision board or a bulletin board to showcase your goals and accomplishments.

Setting up a productive home office as a virtual assistant is essential for maintaining focus, efficiency, and work-life balance. By investing in ergonomic furniture, optimizing organization, harnessing natural lighting, and minimizing noise distractions, you can create a workspace that maximizes your productivity and enhances your overall well-being. Remember to personalize your workspace to inspire and motivate you on your virtual assistance journey. With a well-designed home office, you’ll be well-equipped to excel in your remote work environment and achieve professional success as a virtual assistant.

In : Business Advice, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :
Tips for Managing Finances

Managing finances is a crucial aspect of running a successful virtual assistant business. As a virtual assistant, it’s essential to establish sound financial practices to ensure stability and optimize your financial success. In this article, we will provide valuable tips for effectively managing your finances as a virtual assistant. From budgeting and invoicing to tax planning and bookkeeping, these tips will help you keep your financial matters organized and set a strong foundation for your virtual assistant business.

1. Create a Budget

Creating a budget is the foundation of financial management. Start by assessing your income and expenses. Determine your fixed costs, such as software subscriptions or internet fees, and variable costs, such as marketing or training expenses. Allocate funds for savings and emergencies. Regularly review and adjust your budget as your business evolves to ensure you are effectively managing your finances.

2. Set Clear Payment Terms and Invoicing Procedures

Establish clear payment terms with your clients to ensure timely and consistent payments. Clearly communicate your rates, payment due dates, and preferred payment methods. Use professional invoicing tools or templates to streamline the invoicing process. Include detailed descriptions of the services provided, the agreed-upon rates, and any applicable taxes. Regularly follow up on outstanding payments to maintain a healthy cash flow.

3. Plan for Taxes

As a virtual assistant, it’s essential to plan for taxes and stay compliant with tax regulations. Keep track of your business-related expenses, such as equipment, software, or professional development costs, as they may be tax-deductible. Set aside a portion of your income for tax payments or consult with a tax professional to ensure accurate tax planning and filing. Stay informed about tax deadlines and any changes in tax laws that may affect your business.

4. Maintain Organized Records and Track Expenses

Keeping organized records and tracking your expenses is crucial for effective financial management. Use accounting software or spreadsheets to record income, expenses, and receipts. Categorize your expenses, making it easier to analyze your spending patterns and identify areas for improvement. Regularly reconcile your financial records to ensure accuracy and identify any discrepancies.

5. Seek Professional Help if Needed

If managing your finances becomes overwhelming or complex, consider seeking professional help. A certified accountant or bookkeeper specializing in virtual assistant businesses can provide guidance and assistance in managing your financial affairs. They can help you with tax planning, financial analysis, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations.

Effectively managing finances is essential for the success of your virtual assistant business. By creating a budget, setting clear payment terms, planning for taxes, maintaining organized records, and seeking professional help if needed, you can ensure financial stability and optimize your financial success as a virtual assistant. Implement these tips to keep your financial matters organized and set a strong foundation for your virtual assistant business.

In : Business Advice, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :
Stay Motivated & Avoid Burnout

As a virtual assistant, staying motivated and avoiding burnout is essential for maintaining productivity and job satisfaction. The nature of remote work can sometimes lead to challenges such as isolation, overworking, or lack of boundaries. However, with the right strategies in place, you can overcome these hurdles and thrive in your role. In this article, we will explore effective techniques to stay motivated and prevent burnout as a virtual assistant. From achieving work-life balance to practicing self-care and implementing productivity techniques, these tips will help you sustain motivation, avoid burnout, and excel in your virtual assistant career.

1. Set Clear Goals and Priorities

Setting clear goals and priorities is crucial for staying motivated as a virtual assistant. Define what you want to achieve in your role and break down your goals into actionable steps. Prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines, focusing on high-value activities that align with your objectives. Having a clear direction and purpose will keep you motivated and focused on meaningful work.

2. Maintain Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is vital to prevent burnout. Set boundaries between your work and personal life, establishing specific work hours and designated areas for work. Avoid working excessively long hours and allow yourself time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. By maintaining a balance, you can recharge, avoid burnout, and bring more enthusiasm to your work.

3. Practice Self-Care

Self-care plays a significant role in sustaining motivation and avoiding burnout. Take care of your physical and mental well-being by getting regular exercise, eating nutritious meals, and getting enough sleep. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you relax, such as practicing mindfulness, reading, or pursuing hobbies. Prioritize self-care as an integral part of your routine to enhance your overall well-being and maintain a positive mindset.

4. Implement Productivity Techniques

Implementing productivity techniques can help you stay motivated and manage your workload effectively. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and use time-blocking to allocate specific periods for focused work. Prioritize your most important tasks and minimize distractions by turning off notifications or using productivity apps. Experiment with different techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique or the Eisenhower Matrix, to optimize your productivity and maintain motivation.

5. Seek Support and Stay Connected

Virtual work can sometimes feel isolating, so it’s important to seek support and stay connected with others. Join virtual assistant communities or networking groups to connect with peers and share experiences. Engage in online forums, attend webinars or conferences, and participate in virtual assistant communities on social media platforms. Collaborate with other professionals, seek mentorship opportunities, and leverage the power of networking to stay motivated and inspired.

Staying motivated and avoiding burnout as a virtual assistant requires a proactive approach.

In : Business Advice, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :
Continuing Education

As a virtual assistant, embracing continuous learning and professional development is essential for staying competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Technology advancements, changing client demands, and emerging industry trends necessitate the need for virtual assistants to upgrade their skills and knowledge continually. In this article, we will explore the importance of continuing education for virtual assistants. From enhancing skills and staying updated with industry trends to fostering career growth, we will delve into the benefits of ongoing learning opportunities for virtual assistants.

1. Stay Updated with Industry Trends

Continuing education allows virtual assistants to stay abreast of the latest industry trends and best practices. By participating in relevant courses, webinars, or workshops, you can gain insights into emerging technologies, tools, and techniques that can streamline your work and boost your productivity. Staying updated with industry trends positions you as a knowledgeable and valuable resource for your clients.

2. Enhance Skills and Expand Knowledge

Continuing education provides virtual assistants with opportunities to enhance their existing skills and acquire new ones. By enrolling in targeted online courses or certifications, you can sharpen your expertise in areas such as project management, social media marketing, content creation, or administrative tasks. Expanding your skill set not only improves the quality of your work but also allows you to offer a wider range of services to your clients.

3. Adapt to Evolving Client Needs

The needs and expectations of clients are continually evolving. Continuing education equips virtual assistants with the knowledge and skills required to adapt to these changing demands. By learning about new tools, software, or strategies, you can better cater to your clients’ specific requirements and provide innovative solutions. Adapting to evolving client needs positions you as a reliable and forward-thinking virtual assistant.

4. Foster Career Growth

Investing in continuing education demonstrates your commitment to professional growth and opens doors for career advancement. By acquiring new skills and certifications, you enhance your marketability and increase your chances of attracting higher-paying clients or securing more challenging projects. Continual learning shows your dedication to staying at the forefront of your industry and positions you for long-term success as a virtual assistant.

5. Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

Continuing education also provides virtual assistants with valuable networking and collaboration opportunities. Engaging in online courses, workshops, or industry events allows you to connect with other professionals in your field, share insights, and collaborate on projects. Networking helps expand your professional circle, potentially leading to new clients, partnerships, or mentorship opportunities that can accelerate your career growth.

Continuing education is not just an option; it is a necessity for virtual assistants seeking to thrive in their careers. By staying updated with industry trends, enhancing skills, adapting to evolving client needs, fostering career growth, and embracing networking opportunities, virtual assistants can position themselves as valuable assets in the digital workforce. Investing in ongoing learning ensures that you stay relevant, competitive, and capable of providing exceptional services to your clients.


Are you finding yourself unsure how exactly to turn those big dreams into achievable action steps? Move those tasks to our plate and let us help you achieve your #goals! Contact us today! #backtobiz #businessgoals #achievegoals #entrepreneurship #womeninbusiness #bosslady #businesswoman #bossbabesrva #communityovercompetition #businesswomen #ladyboss #mamapreneur #workfromhome #mamaceo #creativepreneur #entrepreneurlifestyle #dowhatyoulove #makeithappen #sayyestosuccess #solopreneur #livingthedream #businesslife #femaleentrepreneur #bossbabe #womeninleadership #backtobusiness

are you finding yourself unsure how exactly to turn those big dreams into achievable action steps? Move those tasks to our plate and let us help you achieve your #goals! Contact us today! #backtobiz #businessgoals #achievegoals #entrepreneurship #womeninbusiness #bosslady #businesswoman #bossbabesrva #communityovercompetition #businesswomen #ladyboss #mamapreneur #workfromhome #mamaceo #creativepreneur #entrepreneurlifestyle #dowhatyoulove #makeithappen #sayyestosuccess #solopreneur #livingthedream #businesslife #femaleentrepreneur #bossbabe #womeninleadership #backtobusiness

In : Business Advice, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :

Often times entrepreneurs hesitate in hiring someone or a team to help them in their business. They feel that once their business grows enough or make a certain amount of money, then the time would be ‘right’. That may be true BUT first know the facts about your business and be honest with yourself on how much you can actually do and still have a successful business.

Behind the Scenes of Your Own Business

If you are just starting out, maybe the idea of hiring someone is a little overwhelming or you’re just not sure if you’re ready. Well, when is ‘enough’ enough to know that your business has grown? What exactly is the ‘right amount of money’ to make in order to hire someone or a dream team?

We have clients come to us to fix something technical that was implemented and caused a disaster during implementation. Lots of wasted time and money due to their sites being down because of complications; a loss of clients=money. Now money is spent on fixing the problem which usually costs a lot more than hiring the right person to do the job in the beginning. Has this or something similar happened to you in your business? Let’s face it, when starting out, we do what we can with as much resources has we have to get by. We do it in our everyday lives, so surely we will do it in our businesses at some point; especially just starting out.

We know as entrepreneurs, you don’t have time or money to waste. Your time and money is well spent on progressing and growing your business to the level you would like to achieve it. Even if you’re just starting out, think like a CEO and manage your time productively. You can spend a lot of useful time putting an automated system together only to find out later that the full automation is not complete. You wrote a blog post, but wait, did you integrate SEO keywords or ways to interact with your reader, or what about automating it to spread through your social media platforms along with your weekly or monthly newsletter? Is the webinar setup correctly or will you spend the majority of your time figuring it out in hopes that it’s ready to go when it’s time? Wouldn’t you rather use that time on creating the content you need for your webinar? These different systems seem so easy to do, yet they take up most of your time from actually focusing on what your ideal clients need from you.

Rethink and shift the way you look at your time and your business. Share on X

Are You Ready For a Dream Team or Dream Person?

Often times entrepreneurs hesitate at hiring someone or a team to help them in their business. They feel that once their business grows enough or make a certain amount of money, then the time would be ‘right’. That may be true BUT first know the facts about your business and be honest with yourself on how much you can actually do and still have a successful business.Let’s go over a few things to determine when hiring someone or hiring your dream team is that time for you.

You might be ready to add someone or a dream team behind the scenes of your business if:

  • Your offers are not getting out there because you don’t have the time to put them out due to spending the majority of your time in areas outside of your expertise or on recurring tasks that is needed to run your business
  • You are constantly being pulled away from activities that generate revenue for your business.
  • You do not have time to connect with your paying clients. This is a great time to step back and take a look at where you are spending your time. Where do you benefit most with your time when you’re working in your business? It may be time to bring in some help.
  • You work at implementing a new program or business strategy and realize you can’t do it or you don’t understand the how-to guides well enough to get it together and it’s draining your time. It’s great to have someone to implement these things timely and efficiently so you can move forward in growing your business.
  • You are not able to focus on your CEO tasks that bring in more clients because you are too busy handling admin tasks and customer service; these are tasks that don’t move your business forward.

Does any of these things apply to you? Do you feel stuck in your business because of the recurring tasks, and you just don’t have the time to get your offers out or focus on those tasks that will bring in your ideal, paying clients? If the answer is yes, then why not look into hiring some help?!

Now What?

Don’t let the concept of hiring someone at this stage of your business scare you. There are virtual assistants you can hire for any number of tasks you may have and for a short period of time or a long period of time. This can be adjusted to your business needs. You can have virtual support a few hours a month or for a block of time each month. This is why we are here for you! Whether it’s one task or many, we are here to help you.

For as little as $500 with our Entrepreneur Plan, you could have:

  • help to setup new opt-ins and processes with email management
  • implement blog posts with graphics
  • help with billing and payment tracking with bookkeeping support
  • support with growing and nurturing your social community with posts
  • technical support backup
  • help with your inbox in email and social media platforms to help answer questions or weed through to messages that may need your attention immediately

Maybe only spending $250 or less and having a person in place on a regular basis to get to know your business, your customers, and how you run your business and help you setup a few things at a time can be a huge help and relief that you deserve in your business. Give it some thought. Having support behind the scenes of your business just may be what you need to help you give your business the boost it needs to be even more successful.

We are here to help you when you’re ready!

Often times entrepreneurs hesitate at hiring someone or a team to help them in their business. They feel that once their business grows enough or make a certain amount of money, then the time would be ‘right’. That may be true BUT first know the facts about your business and be honest with yourself on how much you can actually do and still have a successful business.






In : Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :

Listen, we all procrastinate in so many different ways and get so deep into it until we find ourselves buried under many ideas and tasks wondering how to stop procrastinating. We know we NEED to get things done. These things can ultimately grow our business and instead of getting it done, we procrastinate. Oh and how we can get really creative doing it! Are any of these procrastinators you?
We all procrastinate in so many different ways and get so deep into it until we find ourselves buried under many ideas and tasks wondering how to stop procrastinating. We know we NEED to get things done. These things can ultimately grow our business and instead of getting it done, we procrastinate. Oh and how we can get really creative doing it! Are any of these procrastinators you?
We know that procrastination isn’t getting us where we want to go. So let’s work on no more procrastination!
FOCUS is the art to master! #noprocrastination Share on X Here are a few simple strategies we use to end procrastination, stay focused and get more done. Along with our tips on creating a strategic to-do list, we use the pomodoro technique and Focus Matrix to help us stay focused and plow through those tasks. By the end of the day, we have a since of accomplishment and no more excuses.

Improve Productivity

We use Focus Matrix to prioritize our tasks using the Eisenhower method. Focus Matrix is a great tool that automatically adds the tasks to a calendar you connect to it. This not only prioritizes our tasks, but also add the tasks to the calendar which helps with scheduling. We have a guide that gives great information on how to strategically make a to-do list. Be sure to get it to know how to properly prioritize your tasks.

The pomodoro technique is a time management system – 25 minute sessions with a 5 minute break after the first three and a 20 minute break after the fourth. We run this cycle repeatedly until we complete our task. Usually, it takes us less time to complete our tasks using this technique versus not using the technique because we are focused while using it.

Focus Matrix combines pomodoro to run the pomodoro technique for each of the tasks. This is how you work smarter, with ease, stay focused and put an end to procrastination. Give it a try. Don’t forget to grab your free guide on how to create a strategic to-do list and get things done!
Let's work on no more #procrastination! Share on X






In : Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Social Media Marketing (SMM) Comments : 0 Author : Date :

The best times to post on social media is one of the first things we look into for our clients. Although we work off of an algorithm that is tailored for our clients for us to post at optimal times based on our clients’ audience, we also follow some of these steps to maximize on a great thing!

Business tool to help #systematize your #tasks: know the best times to post on social media for your business. Share on X

In looking at the infographic below, you’ll see that about half of the country’s population is in the Eastern Time Zone and Central Time Zone, that accounts for over 75% of the total U.S population. Try alternating posting times in eastern and central time zones if you are targeting a U.S. audience.

1. Best Time to Post on Instagram

Instagram is used all day everyday by half of the U.S. population and meant to be used on mobile devices.

  • Generally, the best times to post on Instagram are on Monday and Thursday, at any time other than 3-4 p.m.
  • The best time to post videos is 9 p.m.-8 a.m., on any day.
  • Some outlets have reported success on Mondays between 8-9 a.m., correlating with the first morning commute of the week for many.

2. Best Times to Post on Facebook

People log in to Facebook on both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home.

  • On average, the best time to post is 1-4 p.m., when clickthrough rates have shown to be at their highest.
  • Specifically, 12-1 p.m. is prime time on Saturday and Sunday.
  • During the week, the same goes for Wednesday at 3 p.m., as well as Thursday and Friday between 1-4 p.m.
  • The worst times are weekends before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m.

3. Best Times to Post on Twitter

Like Facebook, people use Twitter on both mobile devices and desktop computers, both at work and at home. Twitter is usually treated like RSS feeds. People usually hop on Twitter to find something to read during down times like commutes, breaks, and so on.

  • Good times to tweet average around 12–3 p.m., with an apex at 5 p.m. —  evening commute time.
  • Weekdays tend to show a stronger performance, while some might have more active audiences on the weekend.
  • If your goal is to maximize retweets and clickthroughs, go for noon, 3 p.m., or 5–6 p.m.

4. Best Times to Post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is mainly for professional purposes and used mostly during weekdays and work hours. About 25% of U.S. adults use LinkedIn; a platform that is not used as frequently as some other channels on this list. It’s used with slighly less frequency than some of the other channels on this list.

  • Post toward the middle of the week, between Tuesday-Thursday.
  • When aiming for a high clickthrough rate, post on these days during times that correspond with the morning and evening commute — roughly 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 5-6 p.m. — as well as the lunch hour, around 12 p.m.
  • Some have also seen a positive performance on Tuesdays, between 10–11 a.m.

5. Best Times to Post on Pinterest

#Pinterest is a graphical search engine. A GREAT power source for your #business. Share on X

About 25% of Pinterest users are active on this channel daily. Don’t get it twisted with Pinterest! This is a graphical search engine. A GREAT power source for your business, and the posting times  are usually off of business hours.

  • Interestingly enough, Saturday evenings are said to be the best time to reach users, especially between 8-11 p.m.
  • Some have also seen a strong performance on the later side of Friday afternoon, around 3 p.m.
  • Evening commutes tend to be some of the worst times to post to Pinterest; which makes sense if you look at Pinterest as a searchable means. You search for what you’re looking for then leave Pinterest to go to the site to read about what you searched for.
Before long people will not only say 'Google me', but also 'Pinterest me!' Share on X

6. Best Time to Post on Google+

Google+ doesn’t get as much hype as the other social media platforms. It’s Google for Pete’s sakes! Why not post on it and be effective with it?!

  • People seem to be most active on Google+ during the start of the workday, between 9-11 a.m.
  • That’s especially the case on Wednesdays, around 9 a.m.
  • Some marketers have also seen success during the lunch hour, posting between 12-1 p.m.

Ok now you know. Theses are some great tips on the best times to post on social media thanks to our good friends at CoSchedule and Hubspot!

Remember, don’t overwhelm yourself with too much. This is a tool that can help you systematize your social media tasks. Whenever you need help with anything, or need to outsource this task – just let us know! We are here to help. {{{Tra la laaaaaa}}} (in the voice of Captain Underpants)

The best times to post on social media is one of the first things we look into for our clients. Although we work off of an algorithm that is tailored for our clients for us to post at optimal times based on our clients' audience, we also follow some of these steps to maximize on a great thing! Check it out.

In : Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :

Are you where you thought you’d be 2/3 of the way through this year? Are you finding yourself unsure of exactly how to turn those big dreams into achievable, check-that-off action steps? There’s a guide for that! Grab it and get some relief and not get overwhelm with the many tasks in your business. FREE YOUR MIND! You ARE the CEO of your business! Now is the time to claim your title and act accordingly. You got this! We have your back when you need us!