Category Archives: General

In : Business Advice, For employers, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :
Difficult Virtual Clients

As a virtual assistant, you may encounter challenging clients from time to time. Dealing with difficult clients requires effective communication, conflict resolution skills, and a proactive approach to maintaining positive professional relationships. In this blog post, we will provide valuable tips on how to handle difficult clients as a virtual assistant.

1. Stay Calm and Professional

When faced with a difficult client, it’s essential to remain calm and professional throughout the interaction. Emotions can escalate conflicts, so take a deep breath, compose yourself, and respond in a collected manner. Maintain a respectful tone and address the client’s concerns objectively, focusing on finding solutions rather than engaging in a heated exchange.

2. Practice Active Listening

Active listening is a crucial skill when dealing with difficult clients. Give them your full attention, allowing them to express their concerns or frustrations without interruption. Show empathy and understanding by acknowledging their feelings and summarizing their points to ensure you comprehend their perspective accurately. Active listening helps defuse tension and demonstrates your commitment to resolving the issue.

3. Seek to Understand and Clarify

To effectively address the challenges with a difficult client, seek to understand the root cause of their dissatisfaction. Ask open-ended questions to gather more information and clarify any misunderstandings. By actively seeking to understand their concerns, you can tailor your responses and solutions to meet their specific needs, improving the chances of resolving the issue.

4. Set Clear Expectations

Clear communication and setting realistic expectations from the start can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts with clients. Clearly define your role, responsibilities, and deliverables in a written agreement or contract. Regularly communicate progress updates and provide realistic timelines to manage client expectations effectively. When both parties have a clear understanding of what to expect, it reduces the likelihood of conflicts arising.

5. Offer Solutions and Compromises

When faced with a difficult client, focus on finding practical solutions and compromises. Brainstorm potential resolutions together, offering options that address their concerns while aligning with your capabilities and limitations. Be open to negotiation and willing to make reasonable compromises to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome. This collaborative approach can lead to a resolution that satisfies both parties.

6. Know When to Let Go

In some cases, despite your best efforts, a difficult client relationship may not be salvageable. It’s important to recognize when it’s best to part ways amicably. Continuously dealing with a toxic or abusive client can take a toll on your well-being and professional growth. Prioritize your mental health and focus on nurturing positive client relationships that bring out the best in you.

Handling difficult clients as a virtual assistant is an inevitable challenge in the industry. By staying calm and professional, practicing active listening, seeking to understand and clarify, setting clear expectations, offering solutions and compromises, and knowing when to let go, you can effectively manage conflicts and maintain positive professional relationships. Remember, it’s crucial to prioritize your well-being and cultivate client connections that are mutually beneficial and respectful.

In : Business Advice, For employees, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :
time management

Virtual assistants play a vital role in today’s fast-paced business environment, providing valuable support to clients remotely. To excel in this dynamic role, virtual assistants must master the art of time management. Effectively managing your time ensures that you maximize productivity, meet deadlines, and deliver exceptional service to your clients. In this article, we will explore essential time management tips for virtual assistants, including efficient task management, prioritization techniques, effective scheduling strategies, and the importance of time tracking.

1. Efficient Task Management

Efficient task management is the foundation of effective time management. Start by creating a comprehensive task list that outlines all your responsibilities and deadlines. Break down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks. Utilize task management tools or digital project management platforms to keep track of your tasks, set reminders, and prioritize your workload. Regularly update your task list to reflect changing priorities and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

2. Prioritization Techniques

Prioritizing tasks is essential for optimizing your time and energy. Use techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix or the ABC method to categorize tasks based on urgency and importance. Identify high-priority tasks that require immediate attention and focus on completing those first. By tackling urgent and important tasks early on, you can alleviate stress and create a sense of accomplishment, setting a positive tone for the rest of your workday.

3. Effective Scheduling Strategies

Creating a well-structured schedule is key to effective time management as a virtual assistant. Start by blocking out specific time slots for different types of tasks, such as client meetings, administrative work, and project deadlines. Schedule uninterrupted time for focused work, minimizing distractions. Be realistic about the time required for each task, allowing for contingencies and unexpected interruptions. Leverage digital calendars or scheduling tools to manage your appointments and deadlines efficiently.

4. Time Tracking

Tracking your time allows you to gain insights into your productivity patterns and identify areas for improvement. Use time tracking tools or apps to record the time spent on each task. This practice not only helps you stay accountable but also provides valuable data for evaluating your efficiency and optimizing your workflow. Analyze your time logs regularly to identify time-consuming activities, streamline processes, and identify opportunities for delegation or automation.

5. Avoiding Multitasking

While multitasking may seem like a productivity booster, it often leads to decreased efficiency and increased errors. Instead, focus on single-tasking by dedicating your attention to one task at a time. Complete it before moving on to the next. This approach allows for better concentration, higher quality work, and faster task completion. Avoid the temptation to switch between multiple tasks simultaneously, as it can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress.

Effective time management is a crucial skill for virtual assistants, enabling them to maximize productivity, deliver high-quality work, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. By implementing efficient task management techniques, prioritizing tasks, creating effective schedules, tracking your time, and avoiding multitasking, you can optimize your efficiency and excel in your virtual assistance career. Remember, mastering time management takes practice, so embrace these tips and continuously refine your approach to achieve professional success as a virtual assistant.

In : Business Advice, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :
Continuing Education

As a virtual assistant, embracing continuous learning and professional development is essential for staying competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Technology advancements, changing client demands, and emerging industry trends necessitate the need for virtual assistants to upgrade their skills and knowledge continually. In this article, we will explore the importance of continuing education for virtual assistants. From enhancing skills and staying updated with industry trends to fostering career growth, we will delve into the benefits of ongoing learning opportunities for virtual assistants.

1. Stay Updated with Industry Trends

Continuing education allows virtual assistants to stay abreast of the latest industry trends and best practices. By participating in relevant courses, webinars, or workshops, you can gain insights into emerging technologies, tools, and techniques that can streamline your work and boost your productivity. Staying updated with industry trends positions you as a knowledgeable and valuable resource for your clients.

2. Enhance Skills and Expand Knowledge

Continuing education provides virtual assistants with opportunities to enhance their existing skills and acquire new ones. By enrolling in targeted online courses or certifications, you can sharpen your expertise in areas such as project management, social media marketing, content creation, or administrative tasks. Expanding your skill set not only improves the quality of your work but also allows you to offer a wider range of services to your clients.

3. Adapt to Evolving Client Needs

The needs and expectations of clients are continually evolving. Continuing education equips virtual assistants with the knowledge and skills required to adapt to these changing demands. By learning about new tools, software, or strategies, you can better cater to your clients’ specific requirements and provide innovative solutions. Adapting to evolving client needs positions you as a reliable and forward-thinking virtual assistant.

4. Foster Career Growth

Investing in continuing education demonstrates your commitment to professional growth and opens doors for career advancement. By acquiring new skills and certifications, you enhance your marketability and increase your chances of attracting higher-paying clients or securing more challenging projects. Continual learning shows your dedication to staying at the forefront of your industry and positions you for long-term success as a virtual assistant.

5. Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

Continuing education also provides virtual assistants with valuable networking and collaboration opportunities. Engaging in online courses, workshops, or industry events allows you to connect with other professionals in your field, share insights, and collaborate on projects. Networking helps expand your professional circle, potentially leading to new clients, partnerships, or mentorship opportunities that can accelerate your career growth.

Continuing education is not just an option; it is a necessity for virtual assistants seeking to thrive in their careers. By staying updated with industry trends, enhancing skills, adapting to evolving client needs, fostering career growth, and embracing networking opportunities, virtual assistants can position themselves as valuable assets in the digital workforce. Investing in ongoing learning ensures that you stay relevant, competitive, and capable of providing exceptional services to your clients.

In : Business Advice, Business Owners, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :
essential tech skills for virtual assistants

In today’s digital age, virtual assistants need to possess a diverse set of tech skills to thrive in their roles and provide efficient support to their clients. In 2023, it is crucial for virtual assistants to stay ahead of the ever-evolving technological landscape. In this blog post, we will explore the essential tech skills that virtual assistants should acquire to enhance their productivity, streamline workflows, and deliver exceptional results in the dynamic world of virtual assistance.


It is crucial for virtual assistants to stay ahead of the ever-evolving technological landscape. Share on X

1. Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is the foundation of any successful virtual assistant’s skillset. It encompasses the ability to effectively navigate and utilize digital technologies, including computers, smartphones, and web-based applications. Virtual assistants should be proficient in basic computer operations, file management, and online communication. Being digitally literate allows virtual assistants to adapt to new tools and platforms quickly and efficiently.

2. Software Proficiency

Virtual assistants should possess proficiency in a variety of software applications commonly used in their field. This includes productivity suites like Microsoft Office or Google Workspace, which encompass tools like word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software. Additionally, knowledge of project management software such as Asana, Trello, or can enhance task management and collaboration. Familiarity with customer relationship management (CRM) systems and communication tools like Slack or Zoom is also essential for effective client interaction.

3. Data Management and Analytics

As virtual assistants handle various tasks, data management and analytics skills become crucial. Understanding how to collect, organize, and analyze data can provide valuable insights and help in making informed decisions. Proficiency in spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, is essential for data management tasks like sorting, filtering, and creating reports. Knowledge of data analysis tools and techniques can enable virtual assistants to extract meaningful information from data sets and present it in a clear and concise manner.

tech skills for VAs

4. Cybersecurity Awareness

In an era of increasing cyber threats, virtual assistants must prioritize cybersecurity. Understanding the fundamentals of online security, including password management, data protection, and safe browsing practices, is crucial to safeguarding sensitive information. Virtual assistants should also stay updated on emerging cybersecurity trends and best practices to mitigate risks and protect client data.

5. Adaptability and Continuous Learning

In addition to specific tech skills, virtual assistants should embrace adaptability and a commitment to continuous learning. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and new tools and technologies emerge regularly. Virtual assistants who are open to learning and adapting to change will be better equipped to meet the evolving needs of their clients and stay ahead in the competitive virtual assistant industry.

Digital literacy, software proficiency, data management and analytics, cybersecurity awareness, and adaptability are all critical for success. Share on X


In 2023, virtual assistants must equip themselves with essential tech skills to excel in their roles and provide top-notch support to their clients. Digital literacy, software proficiency, data management and analytics, cybersecurity awareness, and adaptability are all critical for success. By staying abreast of the latest technological advancements and continuously improving their tech skills, virtual assistants can position themselves as valuable assets in the virtual work landscape.

Remember, the key to mastering tech skills is practice and a willingness to embrace new tools and technologies. Invest time in learning and honing these essential tech skills, and you’ll be well-prepared to thrive as a virtual assistant in the digital age.


Are you finding yourself unsure how exactly to turn those big dreams into achievable action steps? Move those tasks to our plate and let us help you achieve your #goals! Contact us today! #backtobiz #businessgoals #achievegoals #entrepreneurship #womeninbusiness #bosslady #businesswoman #bossbabesrva #communityovercompetition #businesswomen #ladyboss #mamapreneur #workfromhome #mamaceo #creativepreneur #entrepreneurlifestyle #dowhatyoulove #makeithappen #sayyestosuccess #solopreneur #livingthedream #businesslife #femaleentrepreneur #bossbabe #womeninleadership #backtobusiness

are you finding yourself unsure how exactly to turn those big dreams into achievable action steps? Move those tasks to our plate and let us help you achieve your #goals! Contact us today! #backtobiz #businessgoals #achievegoals #entrepreneurship #womeninbusiness #bosslady #businesswoman #bossbabesrva #communityovercompetition #businesswomen #ladyboss #mamapreneur #workfromhome #mamaceo #creativepreneur #entrepreneurlifestyle #dowhatyoulove #makeithappen #sayyestosuccess #solopreneur #livingthedream #businesslife #femaleentrepreneur #bossbabe #womeninleadership #backtobusiness

In : Business Advice, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :

Often times entrepreneurs hesitate in hiring someone or a team to help them in their business. They feel that once their business grows enough or make a certain amount of money, then the time would be ‘right’. That may be true BUT first know the facts about your business and be honest with yourself on how much you can actually do and still have a successful business.

Behind the Scenes of Your Own Business

If you are just starting out, maybe the idea of hiring someone is a little overwhelming or you’re just not sure if you’re ready. Well, when is ‘enough’ enough to know that your business has grown? What exactly is the ‘right amount of money’ to make in order to hire someone or a dream team?

We have clients come to us to fix something technical that was implemented and caused a disaster during implementation. Lots of wasted time and money due to their sites being down because of complications; a loss of clients=money. Now money is spent on fixing the problem which usually costs a lot more than hiring the right person to do the job in the beginning. Has this or something similar happened to you in your business? Let’s face it, when starting out, we do what we can with as much resources has we have to get by. We do it in our everyday lives, so surely we will do it in our businesses at some point; especially just starting out.

We know as entrepreneurs, you don’t have time or money to waste. Your time and money is well spent on progressing and growing your business to the level you would like to achieve it. Even if you’re just starting out, think like a CEO and manage your time productively. You can spend a lot of useful time putting an automated system together only to find out later that the full automation is not complete. You wrote a blog post, but wait, did you integrate SEO keywords or ways to interact with your reader, or what about automating it to spread through your social media platforms along with your weekly or monthly newsletter? Is the webinar setup correctly or will you spend the majority of your time figuring it out in hopes that it’s ready to go when it’s time? Wouldn’t you rather use that time on creating the content you need for your webinar? These different systems seem so easy to do, yet they take up most of your time from actually focusing on what your ideal clients need from you.

Rethink and shift the way you look at your time and your business. Share on X

Are You Ready For a Dream Team or Dream Person?

Often times entrepreneurs hesitate at hiring someone or a team to help them in their business. They feel that once their business grows enough or make a certain amount of money, then the time would be ‘right’. That may be true BUT first know the facts about your business and be honest with yourself on how much you can actually do and still have a successful business.Let’s go over a few things to determine when hiring someone or hiring your dream team is that time for you.

You might be ready to add someone or a dream team behind the scenes of your business if:

  • Your offers are not getting out there because you don’t have the time to put them out due to spending the majority of your time in areas outside of your expertise or on recurring tasks that is needed to run your business
  • You are constantly being pulled away from activities that generate revenue for your business.
  • You do not have time to connect with your paying clients. This is a great time to step back and take a look at where you are spending your time. Where do you benefit most with your time when you’re working in your business? It may be time to bring in some help.
  • You work at implementing a new program or business strategy and realize you can’t do it or you don’t understand the how-to guides well enough to get it together and it’s draining your time. It’s great to have someone to implement these things timely and efficiently so you can move forward in growing your business.
  • You are not able to focus on your CEO tasks that bring in more clients because you are too busy handling admin tasks and customer service; these are tasks that don’t move your business forward.

Does any of these things apply to you? Do you feel stuck in your business because of the recurring tasks, and you just don’t have the time to get your offers out or focus on those tasks that will bring in your ideal, paying clients? If the answer is yes, then why not look into hiring some help?!

Now What?

Don’t let the concept of hiring someone at this stage of your business scare you. There are virtual assistants you can hire for any number of tasks you may have and for a short period of time or a long period of time. This can be adjusted to your business needs. You can have virtual support a few hours a month or for a block of time each month. This is why we are here for you! Whether it’s one task or many, we are here to help you.

For as little as $500 with our Entrepreneur Plan, you could have:

  • help to setup new opt-ins and processes with email management
  • implement blog posts with graphics
  • help with billing and payment tracking with bookkeeping support
  • support with growing and nurturing your social community with posts
  • technical support backup
  • help with your inbox in email and social media platforms to help answer questions or weed through to messages that may need your attention immediately

Maybe only spending $250 or less and having a person in place on a regular basis to get to know your business, your customers, and how you run your business and help you setup a few things at a time can be a huge help and relief that you deserve in your business. Give it some thought. Having support behind the scenes of your business just may be what you need to help you give your business the boost it needs to be even more successful.

We are here to help you when you’re ready!

Often times entrepreneurs hesitate at hiring someone or a team to help them in their business. They feel that once their business grows enough or make a certain amount of money, then the time would be ‘right’. That may be true BUT first know the facts about your business and be honest with yourself on how much you can actually do and still have a successful business.






In : Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :

Listen, we all procrastinate in so many different ways and get so deep into it until we find ourselves buried under many ideas and tasks wondering how to stop procrastinating. We know we NEED to get things done. These things can ultimately grow our business and instead of getting it done, we procrastinate. Oh and how we can get really creative doing it! Are any of these procrastinators you?
We all procrastinate in so many different ways and get so deep into it until we find ourselves buried under many ideas and tasks wondering how to stop procrastinating. We know we NEED to get things done. These things can ultimately grow our business and instead of getting it done, we procrastinate. Oh and how we can get really creative doing it! Are any of these procrastinators you?
We know that procrastination isn’t getting us where we want to go. So let’s work on no more procrastination!
FOCUS is the art to master! #noprocrastination Share on X Here are a few simple strategies we use to end procrastination, stay focused and get more done. Along with our tips on creating a strategic to-do list, we use the pomodoro technique and Focus Matrix to help us stay focused and plow through those tasks. By the end of the day, we have a since of accomplishment and no more excuses.

Improve Productivity

We use Focus Matrix to prioritize our tasks using the Eisenhower method. Focus Matrix is a great tool that automatically adds the tasks to a calendar you connect to it. This not only prioritizes our tasks, but also add the tasks to the calendar which helps with scheduling. We have a guide that gives great information on how to strategically make a to-do list. Be sure to get it to know how to properly prioritize your tasks.

The pomodoro technique is a time management system – 25 minute sessions with a 5 minute break after the first three and a 20 minute break after the fourth. We run this cycle repeatedly until we complete our task. Usually, it takes us less time to complete our tasks using this technique versus not using the technique because we are focused while using it.

Focus Matrix combines pomodoro to run the pomodoro technique for each of the tasks. This is how you work smarter, with ease, stay focused and put an end to procrastination. Give it a try. Don’t forget to grab your free guide on how to create a strategic to-do list and get things done!
Let's work on no more #procrastination! Share on X






In : Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :

Are you where you thought you’d be 2/3 of the way through this year? Are you finding yourself unsure of exactly how to turn those big dreams into achievable, check-that-off action steps? There’s a guide for that! Grab it and get some relief and not get overwhelm with the many tasks in your business. FREE YOUR MIND! You ARE the CEO of your business! Now is the time to claim your title and act accordingly. You got this! We have your back when you need us!


In : Branding, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, For employers, General, Websites Comments : 0 Author : Date :

We receive inquiries from various entrepreneurs about the cost to build websites. For some of them that are just starting out, they have big ideas and are very optimistic about the success of their business through their websites. However, they tend to not account for the cost of their ideas which is usually a bit more than they budget for if they have a budget at all.

Usually, this is because they aren’t privy to the cost or the structure until we share with them the breakdown of their web project based on their ideas. At that point, they want to know ‘how much does it cost to build’ and ‘how long does it take to make a website’. In an effort to never crush their dreams, we provide the steps, timeframe, and the cost of their web project in phases.

Do what you can to help any entrepreneur's dream become a reality! #entrepreneurslife #sharethelove Share on X

This works out well for some. For others, they choose to either do it themselves or wait until they are ready financially to get it done professionally. Either way, we do what we can to help any entrepreneur’s dream become a reality. Let’s go over some details about the types of websites and the average cost of websites.

The Type of Website

So what type of website would you like to build? That’s the first question you want to get really clear on.

There are simple, informational websites: the one-pagers, lead/landing pages, or the ones with about 5 pages such as Home, About Us, Services, Blog, Contact Us pages. These are great to use to start your business to get your information up and out to the world. They are also great for different freebies you want to create to pull in more leads for your business. And even great for information about a product or service you’d like to promote or a resume/CV, or a pitch deck or any type of report (i.e. annual report) you’d like to make available online with downloadable content.

There are mid-size, custom functioning websites: the sites that promote events and allow people to sign-up for the event, or the booking systems that allow visitors to schedule appointments. These sites are great for the entrepreneur that is ready to take the CEO seat and run a business.

There are large-size, custom functioning websites: similar to the mid-size, custom functioning site yet larger with a few more features such as the ability to sell products from the site (eCommerce), book appointments, or register for online or offsite events.

And then we have the large, database driven websites: these are sites such as hospitality sites that require reservations/booking rooms and banquet halls, or an online store with over 1000 products, or real estate sites connecting to IDX systems.

Four Components That Make a Site

There are 4 basic components that make a website:

  1. Domain – You will need to register a domain name for your website. This is your address where your website is located on the world wide web.
  2. Hosting – This involves a server to store all of your web files, email accounts, databases, and scripts that causes your web presence to function.
  3. Design/look of your site – Your company branding is what drives the look of your web presence which includes optimized graphics throughout your website and in your blog posts.
  4. Features to help your site be a great business tool – There are many features to add to your site to help your visitors sign up, register for events, schedule for appointments with you, purchase your services/products, interact with you and your business, gather analytics to get to know your audience, optimize your site for SEO and load fast, and many more features that suits your business.
There are 4 components that make a website: domain, hosting, design/look, and features to help your site be a great business tool. #success Share on X

Let’s Get to the Costs

We’ve broken this down to 3 routes you can take to build a site that is suitable for your business and your business budget.

  1. You can do it yourself! Sometimes this option is best. If you’re just starting out and you didn’t actually factor in a budget to handle the the cost of building your website, doing it yourself can be a good option with great success. The cost ranges from $0 – $500. There are now many DIY website builders out there where you can put up a site with ease and no coding.
  2. You can go with a Professional website in the range of $500 – $2500 with ease. This can go up to $5000-$8000 with added features and a customized platform. Entrepreneurs that are upgrading from their DIY websites or those that are rebranding go with this type of site. Over time they upgrade to a well tailored site that suits the needs of their business and provide ease and a more upgraded user experience for their visitors potentially converting them into clients/customers/buyers.
  3. Most corporations and some small businesses go for the Enterprise website investing in amounts starting at $10,000. These are well developed, customized and complex websites.

There are many different routes to take to get your website just right for your business. You can choose platforms such as Squarespace or WordPress. If things become too technical for you to continue buidling your website this way, let us help you with it. Just contact us or click to chat (below) with our Success Team and we will get you just what you need.

Grab our FREE, editable website checklist to help you while building your WordPress website. It gives a few great tips.

Grab our FREE, editable website checklist to help you while building your WordPress website. It gives a few great tips.



Understanding the Base Price of a DIY WordPress Website

Are you deciding to go the DIY route to put your WordPress site? A typical breakdown of expenses required to get up and running might look something like this:

Domain: $15/year
Hosting: $10/month – $30/month
Premium Theme: $50-$200
Premium Plugins: $15-$200 (each; some are one-time purchases, others are monthly/annual licenses.)
Rough Totals: $200-$1,000+

Turnkey WordPress Setup & Maintenance

Here’s a few models we’ve seen:

Hourly: $50-$100 per hour
Flat Rate: $500-$1000+
Monthly: $30-$50/month (in addition to the initial hourly or flat rate fees)
A-la-cart Extras: $100, $200, etc. per strategy document, training course, and so on.
Rough Totals: $500-$2,500+ (plus possible monthly or a-la-cart services)

Custom WordPress Design/Development

This type of custom design requires one to be proficient in PHP, CSS, Javascript, and MySQL which we are.

Many custom WordPress design and development work falls within the following price ranges:

Custom WordPress Theme: $3,000-$6,000 (for design and development)
Custom WordPress Website: $6,000-$15,000 (for design and development, with custom plugin functionality)
Custom WordPress eCommerce Site: $6,000-$20,000
Custom WordPress Web App: $15,000-$60,000+

Your website feels like a great deal when the value you get back in the form of it is greater than the money you invested. #success Share on X

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how much something costs as long as you come away feeling like you have a great deal. That only happens when the value you get back in the form of your website is greater than the money you invested. This is just as possible at $20,000 as it is at $500. It’s all in how the process is managed.

How much does it cost to builda website, and how long does it take to make a website. Let's go over some details about the types of websites and the average cost of websites. If you choose to DIY with wordpress, grab our FREE, editable website checklist to help you while building your WordPress website. It gives a few great tips.




In : Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, For employers, General Comments : 0 Author : Date :

As an entrepreneur or business owner, are you stressed and overwhelmed? Do you know how to clear your mind and not feel overwhelmed?  Is your mind full, or are you mindful of what’s going on around you? When your mind is cluttered, you’ll never have the clarity and the calm that you need to do your best level CEO work. You’ll start to feel overwhelmed and burned out just because of the frantic pace of your life and your business.

If your mind is full and cluttered with to-dos and ideas that are nagging at you constantly everyday, it will have a negative impact on your life. It will slow you down, keep your energy low and you are never 100% present. This all leads to feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Often procrastinating the things you know need to get done, simply because you need to create the time and energy to actually start and/or see them through. You don’t have the energy for new projects that you know will help you get where you want to go in your life and for your business.

It's time to move away from having a mind full of to-dos and tasks to being mindful, #aware of where we're spending our time and our energy. #wegotit #virtualassistants Share on X

So, here’s the goal…FREE UP SOME SPACE!  It’s time to move away from having a mind full of to-dos and tasks to being mindful – having an awareness of where we’re spending our time and our energy.

Grab this two-step process guide and complete it back-to-back to get the clarity and the calm you deserve.

Get out of ongoing emergency mode. Share on X

Entrepreneurs know of the anxiety that comes from an unending to-do list.There are all of the little tasks that you continuously procrastinate on that you just don’t like doing or not proficient in doing; and would even avoid completely – but you know that it’s gonna bite you in the butt if you don’t get it done.

Then there’s the tasks that need to get done, but you end up using them as a way to constantly put off the bigger picture projects you know will grow your business. Now with a mind FULL to capacity of all these unending to-dos, is it any wonder that you find yourself exhausted and burned out?

It’s time to create some RELIEF!

Get the guide to do these two exercises! It brings instant clarity and lots relief! Find out which tasks to minimize, systematize, or even just stop doing completely! You deserve to have a well-balanced life with a successful business and a fulfilling personal life with family and friends. Stop carrying all of that weight. Grab the guide and start transforming that cluttered mind full of tasks and ideas into a strategic master to-do list that will help you be more successful in completing your goals.

We are here to help! Contact us today and move those tasks from your plate to ours.